Montag, 28. Mai 2012

Monday, 28th May Task 1

Todays task was 56 km with Waypoints Illgner Alpl, Schiessling  Rauschkogel and Tragoess Berbau,  the goal was Lanzen/Turnau. Launching Area is Schiessling. About 20 Pilots have  airborne but the task was stopped at 13:00 hrs caused of expected rain. It was to short after startgate, the task is not valid for the competition, 
So we hope for tomorrow.

Sunday 27th May, Training

On Schiessling (SSW and SSO), also on Take off area " Speicherteich"  (NW) moderate tailwind.
Only 2 Pilots getting airborn.
Man of the the day is Tugrul Yilmaz (Tugi), the first pilot who testet our
new launching area "Speicherteich"